string theory
Have you ever wondered about how the future will look?
Do you think there might be life on other planets?
Have you been inspired by the space battles and the epicness of science fiction books and movies?
Do you have the imagination to make your own story?
Join STRING THEORY - an online science fiction writing contest. Within the span of a thousand words, you have got the opportunity to craft a prose about life, the universe and everything. The only other limits are set by your imagination - and how many light years and eons it could encompass in its tentative grasp.
Today’s science fiction is tomorrow’s reality. Who knows! Maybe you shall have a small but important part in shaping the destiny of our planet.
Deadline 6th March.
Mail you story to
These are general hints. Feel free to break them if you think doing so will make a better story:
· The story can be based on an existing scientific theory or philosophical paradox. For example the movie Inception is based on lucid dreaming, Butterfly Effect is based on chaos theory, Gravity is partly inspired by Kessler’s Syndrome etc. (Fine, you can use lucid dreaming, chaos theory itself if you have to.)
· Other themes and concepts you can incorporate are time travel, extra-terrestrial life, wormholes, genetic, superpowers…you get the picture.
· Although science fiction has the word science in it, it is not the only thing going on. It can also involve themes of bravery, politics, religion, love, humour, dystopia, heroism, finding the reason of the character’s existence (Existentialism), feelings of connection with the universe and so on.
· A good story can be depressing or awe-inspiring, can haunt you about the possibilities of technology or fill you with hope for what the future holds. Select only two or three of the ideas/themes that I have mentioned in the previous points that you’re passionate about and stick with it.
· Be original. What do you like? What emotional tone do you want your story to convey? Seriously philosophical or lighthearted?
· Imitate. Not to be all self-contradictory, but adopting the tone of an existing story or modifying its plot and using it in your own original way will help you express what you want to convey. Artists learn by imitating the style of the masters. Remember though, imitation is different from plagiarism.
· Check out stories by famous writers like Isaac Asimov (Nightfall and The Last Question), Arthur C. Clarke (The Star and The Sentinel),Douglas Adams, H.G. Wells and so on.
· Use the net. There are sites that will help you create names of characters, locations or even story titles etc (Google Character/Location/Title Name generator)
The story should not exceed 1000 words.
The story should be your own. Plagiarism will not be tolerated at any cost. We will know, Big Brother is watching you.
Judges decision of prize winners is final and binding.
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Aravind :
Prize worth 2000 INR to be won!!!