Participants are given a problem statement along with required materials (ice sticks, straws, rubber bands, pins etc.) and they have to come up with a working model based on the given problem statement within the given time as per rules and regulationsExiting goodies are to be won.
26,27&28th Feb: 8:30 am to 12:00 pm (distribution)
3:30 pm to 6:00 pm (Evaluation)
Venue: LH 116,117
- Single round event.
- One individual round each day.
- Each day new problem statement is given.
- Design
- Stability
- Others: Depends on given problem statement.
- Eg. Max weight criteria for bridge
- Participants need to have PRAGYAN_16 REGISTRATION DETAILS.
- Maximum of 3 members per team.
- Materials provided should only be used else leads to elimination of model.
- In case of a tie, judge decision will be final.
- Time and place of submission of models to be specified in problem statement
- Additional rules relating to model to be specified in problem statement.
- Kits to be served on first come first serve basis.
- Event manager's decision is final.
1. How should the working model be constructed using given materials like pop sticks, pins and straws etc ?
Model is constructed according to the given problem statement and everything will be cleared before providing the kit.
2. How should the model look like?
Model, it should not cross the limitations which is given in the problem statement, participants can come up with new working model which satisfies the problem statement.
Bharadwaj : +91 8754233076
Manohar : +91 8220275688
Vamshi : +91 9677830677
For other details contact :
Pragna : +91 8220285493
- Bridge should not have any support in the middle that length should be min 35cms.
- The bridge should be min 10 cms high from the ground.
- Use only the given materials else it will lead to elimination.
Mini sticks -120
Thread -1
Cutter -1
Fevicol- 100gm
Cover -1
Rubberbands -2
Pins -5
- Prizes worth ₹1.4 million up for grabs
- Click here to start playing Beer Factory
- Pragyan CTF has started
- Dalal Street has started
- Click here to start playing PPL
- Labyrinth has started