
Code character - Event Description

“Most good programmers do programming not because they expect to get paid or get adulation by the public, but because it is fun to program” – Linus Torvalds

Make the coder in you come alive, and battle it out against more like­minded individuals in this online multiplayer live coding strategy game!

Each player has a character associated to control with code. You pit your character (code) against others in the arena and manoeuvre your way to the top of the scoreboard.The coding language used is Javascript. Character control will be available through an API, provided alongside.

The contest goes live on 26th February 2016 12:01 A.M.

Click here to play the game.

Cash prizes worth INR 20000

                   Sap lab                     VMware


For queries, email

Developed by Delta Force.
Designed by NITT-Design Team.