With the evolution of mankind, every century has managed to revolutionize the very definition of innovation. And in 21st century, the Internet of Things (IoT), will reveal a multi-dimensionally interconnected world.
Internet of Things (IoT) is an ecosystem of connected physical objects that are accessible through the internet.
Explore the brilliance and excitement in creating the future, where wireless technology connects across barriers and builds globally intelligent infrastructure.
Schedule: 10 am to 5 pm -- March 5, 2017.
Round I : Abstract Screening.
Participants must submit the abstract of their project to iot@pragyan.org on or before 20th January 2017.
The abstract should contain the following details:
Core idea and implementation procedure.
Details of sub-modules/systems.
Components used.
Approximate cost of project.
Real life application explained.
Target audience/beneficiaries.
Scope in market.
Round II :
Intermediate Stages where their tasks are followed up and guided if necessary
Round III :
Finals at NITT during Pragyan 17. Prototype must be displayed.
Participants should also give a presentation for 4 to 5 mins on the day of event about their prototype
The Judging Panel will make their selection based on the following criteria:
Judges' decision is final and cannot be altered.
Students from any college or university can participate in this competition.
There should be a minimum of 2 and a maximum of four members per team.
Your team must register for the event at Pragyan Website.
Finalists should be physically present at the venue on the day of the event conducted during Pragyan’17
1. Is it a maximum of 4 people or strictly a team of 4?
Ans. Maximum of 4
2. Are cross-college teams allowed?
Ans. Yes
3. Are UG-PG collaboration teams allowed?
Ans. Yes
4. Is any registration fee required?
Ans. No
These links contain all the resources required for working in CC 3200 board. There are also few links which ought to be followed to have a smooth sail with the compilation and execution. The participants are kindly asked to have a look at the resources whenever any error pops up as we have tried to decipher the most probable errors and post the solutions.
With ‘data’ playing a crucial role in IoT, the participants are required to come up with efficient solutions using the data gathered in anyone of the following areas given.
Healthcare and Smart Home:
For Event queries:
Prateek: 9952852633
Murali Krishna: 9952922717
Mohansai: 9994481177
Email us at : iot@pragyan.org