Benjamin Franklin once said, “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” At Pragyan, we hold this close to heart, which is why there is no better place to start learning. This Pragyan, discover the tricks and trade of the stock market and how to manage your cash and assets.
Learn investment strategies to capitalize on any market with a one day workshop on the stock market and financial planning held by senior officers from the Security and Exchange Board of India! Through this workshop, you will learn about the basics of how to navigate the indian stock market, possible career options in the stockmarket, and innovative strategies on financial planning.
Overview of Indian Stock Market
Players of Stock Market
Careers in Stock Market
Financial Planning
Fee: Rs.800 per participant
Duration:1 day
Organizer: senior officers of SEBI deputed at NISM as faculty
Dates: 3rd March
For Further Queries contact
Alex Sathy – 9995530912
Kavin – 9962693726
1) Does the workshop have any prerequisites?
-No prerequisites. But you definitely go back with strong knowledge and understanding about an integral part of your future life: the stock market.
2) How should the payment be made for the workshop?
-Payment can be made online.
3) On what basis are workshop registrations confirmed?
-Registrations are confirmed after payment on first come first serve basis. Confirmation of your participation is subject to availability.
4) Will the fees paid for the workshop be refunded in case I fail to attend the workshop?
-Fees once paid, is strictly non-refundable. Requests for refund will not be encouraged.
5) Will accommodation be provided?
-Yes. We provide accommodation depending on the availability and your place of residence. You will have to register separately for that. Stay tuned to the website for updates on accommodation.
6) Will certificates be provided?
-Yes. A certificate from Pragyan, the ISO certified Techno-Management Festival of NIT, Trichy with UNESCO patronage will be provided after the completion of the workshop.
7) On what date will the workshop be held?
-When you register for the workshop you can give your preferred date. However, the allotment of the date slot is subject to availability. After your registration is confirmed, a detailed mail containing the date allotted will be sent.