“They waste natural resources, pollute the air and groundwater, desecrate the landscape with asphalt and last forever in landfills, but by God - we love them!”
Mr. Goodwrench was right: it's not your car, it's your freedom, and freedom churns the soul. The sun is high, the dirt is dry. The track is ruthless, the competition; fierce. It doesn't require any guess what we are talking about: it's the passion of our era, it's the adrenalin booster for us, it's the raw machine which will thrill and amaze you too - it's NITTro at Pragyan '12. Don't be left behind, prepare your own RC controlled IC engine car that will roar the horizons.
Get real, folks! It's the ultimate legacy to watch your dream machine being ogled-boggled and create envy around you…
So RRrrevvv it up!
Problem Statement
Make a wireless remote controlled machine, powered ONLY by an IC Engine which can complete and compete with other opponents on an off-road dirt track with many obstacles in least possible time.
Stages of the event
Abstract Submission
Format of the abstract is available for download here. Edit the same file and upload your abstracts while registering.
Abstracts can also be uploaded after registration.
Also required are:
A video of the working model. Upload the video on youtube and include the link in your abstract.
Photos of the chassis, steering and suspension system fabricated. Zip the videos and upload in the appropriate column while registering
Deadline: Deadline for submitting the abstracts is 23st February, 2012.
Note: The abstract is non-eliminative and is intended to give us an idea about the effort put in by the participants.
Participants report to the venue with their machines.
Strict inspection of the machine is carried out according to the guidelines & regulations set by the organizers.
All selected teams will be given practice slots of 15 minutes each, after the inspection is completed.
All selected teams will now have to compete in a time trial.
Each team will be given a run of 2 individual laps & the best lap time will be considered.
Final Rounds
This will primarily be a knock out round.
Head to head knock out races would be held to determine the winners.
***Note: In case of any technical or organizational difficulties the final rounds may be changed during the event depending upon the situation. Organizers decision will be final and binding.***
General Rules
If the machine is found unsafe to run on the track, the team would be disqualified from the race. The organizers' decision would be final and binding in this respect.
The vehicles are not allowed to leave any loose parts on any part of the arena. Any vehicle disintegrating during the race would be disqualified.
Teams are not allowed to purposefully damage the machine of the opponent's team. If found doing so on track (while racing), the concerned team will be disqualified.
The teams must adhere to the spirit of healthy competition. The coordinators reserve the right to disqualify any team indulged in misbehaviour.
If any of the machines starts off before the flag is waved, the counter would be restarted and the machines will get a second chance. However, if any machine starts off before the waving of flag (or countdown) for a second time, it will be disqualified. No rematch will be held for the second time foul start.
Judges decision shall be treated as final and binding on all.
Track Specifications
The race track will be an off-road dirt track with left & right turns, hairpins, S-shaped curves, bumps and puddles.
Participants are advised to use proper suspension systems for their machines to endure the bumps.
A lap is deemed to be completed when the machine completes the entire track & comes back to the starting point.
The track will have check points at regular intervals. If a machine tumbles, or halts, or goes off the arena at any point on the track, one of the team members is allowed to lift it up and place it at the nearest checkpoint behind that point. The time shall still be running in the meantime.
Team members are not permitted to touch either their machines or those of their opponents once the race begins (unless there is need to lift the machine as stated in the previous point). The penalty for doing so is disqualification.
Details about the track will be updated soon.
Technical Specifications
The maximum allowed capacity of IC engine to be used is 4.6 cc (i.e. Participants can also use 2.5 cc, 3 cc, 3.5 cc or any other IC engine lower in capacity).
There is no restriction on the type of IC engine (either glow or diesel cycle engine), but the engine must have throttle control.
The percentage of nitro methane should not exceed 20% by volume in the fuel.
Vehicle dimensions:
Machine should fit in a box of dimensions 800mm x 600mm x600mm (l x b x h) at any moment of time during the race. The external device which is used to control the machine is not included in the size constraint.
The machine may be roughly classified into structural and functional parts:
Functional parts :
Gears, differential gear, engine, springs, shock absorbers, servo motors (non-propulsion purposes only), batteries, wheels, wheel hub are allowed to be used as available in the market.
Structural parts :
Chassis, steering mechanism, shock towers, suspension (excluding upper suspension arm, suspension spring and shock absorbers), have to be built by the participants themselves.
Power supply:
The machine must have an on-board power supply to provide power to any mechanism requiring electric power not exceeding 12V.
Radio controllers:
The machine has to be necessarily controlled by a wireless remote control system.
Participants are required to use a remote control of frequency of band spectrum 2.4 GHz. The above rule is to ensure that there is no frequency clash during the competition and participants are not allowed to use any other remotes with frequency other than 2.4 GHz.
In case of unavailability(i.e 2.4 GHz) use of other remote controls are allowed subject to the event managers approval. However the participants are required to submit their remote in organizers desk and it will returned during respected practise slots and race only, in order to avoid frequency clash)
Control Space:
An elevated podium will be provided for the control of the machine. The podium will ensure good visibility for the controller.
Team Specifications:
A team can consist of a maximum of 5 members. Students from different educational institutes can form a team.
All students with a valid identity card of their respective educational institutes are eligible to participate in NITTro at Pragyan 2012.
Ajay Balan
+91 90037 11900
Jothi Prakash
+91 99526 17665
Hari Haran
+91 94880 35512
+91 97501 42828
Mail ID: 
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