With improvement of OSs and processor speeds, reaching what you want from your desktop isn’t a big challenge. But reaching them in minimum steps or minimum time is.
This is where we work at Tux Venture.
You are given the freedom to make what you want to design your desktop that outstands in design and the way it unfolds.
Tux Venture, provides great motivation to showcase your creativity design that performs as good as it looks, in the open source arena.
The task is to design an eye-candy desktop for GNU/Linux.
You are free to use make ICON SETS, WALLPAPERS, THEMES, WINDOW MANAGERS or use existing ones.
Contestants must submit 5 screenshots of your design work which is as follows:
The Screenshots must be in JPG or PNG format with a maximum file size of 1MB each.
You can also provide a screencast in the description file indicating how you design your desktop. Upload it to any popular video sharing service. This counts for your score, but is optional.
A Description file with the following sections:
Put the 5 Images and the Description file in a .ZIP archive with your pragyan login as the file name (e.g linuxmaster123@gmail.com.zip ) and upload it on the website ( link will be provided soon ).
The formats accepted are .zip, .tar, .tar.gz
All the best! Let your desktop speak of you!!!
The evaluation will be based on the following factors:
Arvind M
+91 94458 13295
Mail your queries to