SETUP TIME EXTENDED TO 240 MINUTES. Setup time starts from 8am and continues to 12pm. Sharp 12 30pm judging will begin.
Venue : Barn Hall
Date : 24th, 26th February

For all of you who think the simplest solutions are the most powerful ones. We want you to rethink, defy all that logic and come up with the toughest and most complex solution to the given problem statement. The more complex your solution gets, the more points your earn!!
In Contraptions we truly believe that science is not meant to be taught in boring, confined cuboids, but tackled and experimented with -and this alone reflects its true mastery.
We welcome you to showcase your talents and give you the license to display the most chaotic, complex and convoluted means to the end (without tearing the hall down of course).
Throw in all the energy conversions you are aware of as one continuous routine without physically engaging yourself at any stage (Aaah yes that's the real challenge).
So, ladies and gentlemen, get ready for showcasing your most wildest and complex solutions.
Download the Abstract Format and send in your Abstracts to "" on or before Feb 12th.
Initial Round is an abstract submission round based on which Finalists are Selected
Guidelines for the submission of the abstract are as follows:
Create either a .doc/.docx/.pdf file for your abstract.
Include the information mentioned below in the Word document. Kindly do not exceed the word limit mentioned in respective sections.
Support your write up with appropriate images of your contraption. Note that even photos of incomplete contraption may be added in the abstract. You can also upload the images and videos on any popular file-sharing network and provide the link. This information shall be considered valuable for deciding Design / Innovation prizes.
Please include the following details in your Word document:
Team Name:
Team Leader’s name:
Contact Number:
Email id:
Contraption Design (400 words) - The overview and theme contraption design.
Elements(100 words) - A list of all the elements used in chronological order or parallel if they are so. Please mention the expected time of the working of the contraption.
Links to uploaded files (if any).
A table at the end of the abstract containing the following columns:
Step No
Step Detail
Energy Conversions.
Click here to download the sample abstract.
Each team is allowed to make only one submission.
In case of multiple submissions, only last submission will be evaluated.
Problem Statement
The Contraption should include 2 segments:-
Segment 1 :
You are free to choose a minimum of 3 energy conversions (excluding the intermediate steps) and maximum is unbounded.
But we give you a list of intermediate steps (which are compulsory, of course).
Segment 2:

A vertical ring of inner diameter 30-40 cm will be provided. The ring will be placed at a distance of 2m from your setup. And at a height of 1m from the ground.
A ball of minimum 2cm will be provided, which has to be thrown into the ring using your setup from the first segment.
As the ball is successfully thrown into the ring, the contraption is completed!
Intermediate Steps (Any 2 of the given 3):
Glow a bulb (minimum points)
Move a car (remote car! & better points)
Light a candle (maximum points!! =))
Judging criteria
Number of steps in the contraption
Number of energy conversions
Types of energy conversions
Originality of the ideas and innovativeness
Robustness of the contraption
Number of trials and forced human interventions used(will lead to deduction of points)
Complexity of the overall contraption.
Green points will be awarded based on the number of plastic parts used. The lesser you use, more your points
Team Specifications
A team may consist of a maximum of 6 members.
Students from different educational institutes can form a team.
Eligibility :
All students with a valid photo identity card of their respective educational institutes are eligible to participate in Contraptions at Pragyan 2012.
Rules :
The entire contraption including should remain completely within an imaginary box whose dimensions are 4m x 4m x 4m at any point of operation.
Once the first step has been initiated, intervention of any sort in the following steps would lead to deduction in points.
An initial setup time of 120 minutes will be given for each team. In addition to this, a setup time of 10 minutes will be given for every team before each trial.Moreover, points will be deducted for consecutive trials.
Maximum of 3 trials would be allowed for each team.
The total time taken for task should not exceed 20 minutes.
220 volts AC supply would be provided at the event venue.
Teams may use commercially available machines as individual parts of your contraption. Any questionable items must be given prior consent by the event manager. If you have any special requirements inform us well in advance. It will be taken care of. Extension cords, scissors, tape etc. will be provided.
A step is defined as an action that results in another action working towards the final aim of the machine. For example the act of tipping over of block of wood with a rolling ball is a step. The actual tipping motion of the block of not a step unless it causes another action to occur. A series of the same actions repeated such as dominoes knocking each other over or a ball hitting another ball are considered to be one step in the spirit of the competition.
A parallel step is defined as an action which initiates multiple smaller steps, starting and ending at the same point, at the same instant of time. This will be counted as one parallel step irrespective of the number of smaller steps initiated.
Teams have to submit a report at the time of the competition which will contain a detailed description of each of the steps and energy conversions in the arrangement. Teams are encouraged to support their report with indicative diagrams.
All the materials required for the arrangement should be brought by the corresponding team. Teams are not allowed to share any material. No material will be provided by the organizers.
Contestants are responsible for removing their arrangement and any debris left after the completion of their 3 rounds.
In case of any manual interventions during the run, points will be deducted and the team will have to go for the next run if there are more than 3 interventions.
Judges decision will be final and binding !!!
The organizers reserve the rights to change any or all of the above rules as they deem fit.
Silvia Thomas
Subhash Chaitanya
Vishnu Vardhan Reddy
Sri Vijay Vangapandu
Email ID: 
table#results td{ padding: 5px; }
C8 |
26th Feb |
26th Feb |
26th Feb |
24th Feb |
24th Feb |
26th Feb |
26th Feb |
26th Feb |
S5 |
26th Feb |
24th Feb |
24th Feb |
M6 |
24th Feb |
24th Feb |
24th Feb |
Idlyvadasambar |
Psgmech |
coimbatore |
24th Feb |
Maverianz |
coimbatore |
24th Feb |
Ablaze |
chennai |
24th Feb |
Elegant electrical |
Gayathri vizag |
vizag |
26th Feb |
untitled |
coimbatore |
26th Feb |