In Rust We Trust
“One man`s trash is another man`s treasure”
In Junkyard Wars, you’re going to have to bring out the beauty in the beast. This is the closest you could possibly get to actually performing magic. The first stage of the event is an elimination round. Those who make it through to the finals will have to construct a working model from their pile o’trash and send their opponents back to the scrapheap, as they take ‘em on head-to-head.
This event will comprise of two online eliminative rounds and an on-campus final event.
Prior registration is required to answer the online rounds.
Online Round 1:
Online round 1 will be held between 6th -10th February.
It will consist of about 30 questions which should be answered in 2-3 lines.
Questions will test the participants’ knowledge in basic physics, mechanics and engineering concepts.
Time alloted for the round will be 30 minutes.
Only one submission is allowed per team.
No modifications can be made once the answers are submitted.
Online Round 2:
Those qualified in Online round 1 will go to Online round 2.
Qualified teams will be contacted by e-mail and all relevant information regarding the round will be sent through email.
The round is essentially a case-study variant. Different situations shall be provided and the relevant mechanism(s) and/or design should be conceived for each situation to carry out the given task perfectly.
Practical Problem solving skills of the participants shall be tested.
Participants will be required to upload the solutions in .pdf or .doc format (with relevant sketches included).
Deadline for the qualified teams to upload their solution is 13th February.
Only one submission is allowed per team.
The decision about a team’s selection for the final On-campus event will be made on or before 15th February
On-Campus Final Event:
Teams which are qualified for the final round will be intimated through email.
Qualified teams have to be present on campus during pragyan.
The problem statement will be released on Day 0 of Pragyan (February 23th).
Required materials, work space, tools and equipments will be provided for teams to carry out the task.
Teams have to compete aginst eachother with their constructed model.
Santhosh D
Jai Santosh jayaprakash
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