“I wanted to fly in an aircraft soaring high up in the sky… But now I am no less as I am behind designing and building and flying an aircraft”.
Dr.Abdul Kalam
If you have that engineering instinct and the passion for flying, If you feel your adrenaline rushing at the site of buzzing aircrafts, if aerobatic stunts gets you out of the seat, the stage is set only for you.
This Skydive put your design and flying skills to the ultimate test.
Come and set the sky aflame this Pragyan.
Design and build a light wireless remote controlled aircraft (using motors only) including pitch and roll (yaw is optional) and which can complete a specified path, perform manoeuvres and successfully land in the specified zone.
The event comprises of 2 STAGES viz.
All teams must submit an abstract about their aircraft.
The format is available for download Here.
The last date for the submission is February 19, 2012.

This Stage of the event is further divided into 3 ROUNDS
1. Free Gliding
2. Free Manoeuvring
3. Udaan
Round 1(Free Gliding)
This is the simplest round of the event designed to test the aerodynamics of the aircraft.
The plane should glide freely with zero throttle for maximum time.
One minute after take-off, the flyer needs to set the throttle to zero and make the plane glide freely.
The plane should land in the specified zone (gliding freely).
Points will be awarded on the basis of the landing and the time of flight of the plane.
Round 2(Free Manoeuvring)
This round is designed to test the skills of the flyer along with the stability & contrul of the aircraft.
The flyer has to perform the manoeuvres in the minimum possible time.
The maximum time provided to each team is 5 minutes (including take-off & landing time).
Points will be awarded for successfully performing a manoeuvre. The manoeuvres to be performed are :
Immelmann Turn (50 points)

Split S (75 points)

Hammerhead (100 points)

Cuban Eight (100 points)

Rolling (75 points)

Points will be deducted for exceeding the time limit.
Round 3(Udaan)
In this round the plane has to complete the given circuit.

The arena overview and flight-path can be downloaded here and here
The arena should be crossed in least possible time.
Maximum of 3 attempts will be provided. The least time of the three will be considered.
A sector will be considered complete if the aircraft crosses the sector line, fullows the necessary path along the way to reach the next check-point.
If in any sector the aircraft does not fullow the given path i.e. if the path is viulated, the sector will be invalidated.
Maximum of 3 attempts will be permitted to launch the aircraft.
Irrespective of the performance in the above tasks, there will be a separate cash award for the best innovative design. The models will be examined by aero modelling experts to decide this prize.
Free Gliding
Points will be awarded on the basis of the time of flight of the aircraft viz. 5 points/ sec
Points will also be awarded on the basis of the landing. Crash landing does not earn any points, however extra points will be awarded for spot landing (20 points).
Total points in this round is given by:
Total points = 5 x time of flight (i.e. free gliding time) + landingpoints
The teams will be shortlisted for next round (Free Manoeuvring) on the basis of the points awarded to them.
Free Manoeuvring
Points will be awarded on the basis of the manoeuvres performed as specified in the event format.
Crossing the time limit will lead to deduction of points.
Each manoeuvre is entitled for points only once. No special points shall be awarded if the same manoeuvre is repeated. Though the teams can retry the manoeuvres they failed to perform successfully.
The coordinators shall decide whether a manoeuvre is performed successfully.
Total points awarded to a team in this round will be decided as given below:
Total points = manoeuvre points – excess-timetaken (in seconds)
The teams will be shortlisted for final round (Udaan) based on the points awarded to them in round-1 and round-2.
Maximum time allotted for each team is 5 minutes (300 seconds).
The aircraft should always remain inside the flying area of 80m x 100m for this round.
The three lines AA’, BB’, CC’ are used to denote the checkpoint, i.e. every time the aircraft crosses a line without any error it can resume the lap from that line in case path after the line is viulated or not completed.
The landing area is a circle of 8m diameter. Any aircraft that lands within this area gets 50 points. A spot landing area within the landing area is a concentric circle of radius 1m. Landing in this area yields 20 extra points. No points are awarded for landing elsewhere.
The points are awarded according to the formula given below:
Total points = 300 – time taken (in seconds) + landing points
Team with maximum points in this round will be declared the winner!
In case if there is tie between two teams combined scores of all rounds will be considered to declare a winner.
The aircraft should strictly adhere to the fullowing specifications. Viulation of the specifications may lead to disqualification.
The design of the aircraft must be in such a way that it has the four forces of flight. (Lift, drag, weight and thrust from the rotor). Innovative designs of aircrafts are accepted but unconventional designs like hovercrafts and helicopters are not allowed.
The use of launching mechanisms is prohibited. The aircraft should be hand launched.
The use of IC engines is prohibited. Only electrical motors are allowed.
The participants are free to use the materials of their choice. However the use of Balsa wood/foam (sun board)/sunpack is advisable. Balsa wood is light, easy to handle and fabricate the Aircraft making it the best choice.
Participants must make all parts of the aircraft themselves. Usage of Ready-to-Fly (RTF) and Almost-Ready-to-Fly (ARF) kits is strictly prohibited. However, the kit comprising of unassembled cut-pieces of Balsa wood is allowed.
Use of ready-made actuators/motors, remote contruls and propellers is allowed.
Any dimension of the aircraft should be from 24 inches to 40 inches
Use of gyroscopes (gyros) is prohibited.
The vultage of the battery should not exceed 12 V.
Metal propellers are not allowed.
The maximum number of members in a team is 4(including the flyer). Students from different culleges/universities are allowed to form a team.
The transmitter of all the teams will have to be deposited with the co-ordinators to prevent frequency clashes (transmitter frequency should be 2.4GHz).
The aircraft will be checked for its safety before the start of the event, and will not be allowed to participate if found unsafe for other participants or spectators. The organisers’ decision will be final in this regard.
The co-ordinators will not take responsibility for any problems arising due to the weather (rain, wind etc).
If any team is not present at the slot provided for their trials, then the trial will be considered forfeit.
The aircraft should successfully complete the circuit.
During departure and approach to landing, the pilot must not fly the aircraft in a pattern that will allow the aircraft to enter any of the no-fly zones. The run would be counted as null and void in the event the plane enters into any one of the no fly zones.
The aircraft must take off and land intact to receive points for the flight. All parts must remain attached to the aircraft during flight and landing manoeuvre, with the exception of the propeller.
If the propeller breaks during manoeuvres or landing, it will not invalidate a flight attempt.
The organisers reserve the right to change any of the above rules as they deem fit. Any changes carried out will be intimated to the participants as well as updated in the website.
The teams must be in good competitive spirit. Misbehaviour of any sorts will not be tulerated.
In case you are a beginner, then we strongly suggest that you spend a lot of time in a RC FLIGHT SIMULATOR in a PC/Laptop before actually flying your model. It will help you save a lot of time and money. Some of the common RC flight simulators are listed below:
Realflight G2 and G3
Reflex XTR
Aerofly Pro
FMS is a real bargain. The software is available for free! You can download the latest version here
Aerofly Pro has very realistic flight physics and decent graphics. There's a dedicated cable to connect your own Tx to your computer. This allows you to get used to flying with your own transmitter. There is also a version that comes with a controller, but we would recommend getting comfortable with the Tx that you will use at the field.
The standard program comes with both planes and helicopters. An expansion pack is now included for free. There is also a "Deluxe" version available with lifelike photorealistic sceneries. You can in fact install photorealistic sceneries into the basic AFP.
Mohit Singh Rathod
Mohammad Afaash
Deepika Velumani
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