Event will be on the 25th (Calibration and Prelims) and 26th (Finals) of February.
One of the most widely known robotics competitions is the Line follower, where a chunk wood or plastic or metal is to do the job of tracking a line, adhering to it with most sincerity. But of course people, we could not demean you with that sort of a problem statement!
Here in Pragyan, we thought we'd provide some "Twist" to this tale. The bot now not only has to traverse a black line on a white background, but has to negotiate the obstacles, determine the correct path and navigate to the empty parking slot through an inversion track. Feel mentally challenged?
Problem Statement:
Build an autonomous line follower robot which would negotiate the obstacles, determine the correct path and navigate to the empty parking slot.
Arena Specifications
The arena will have 3 parallel tracks which are indicated by lines of width 3 cm. The designed track might consist of straight lines, smooth curves and sharp turns and the track is a black line on a white background. The distance between any two adjacent tracks will be 30 cm. Obstacles (5cm x 5cm x 10cm painted white) will be placed on each track. The bot will have to evade the obstacles and navigate to the end of one of the tracks.
The 3 parallel tracks (mentioned above) join into a single track which then splits into 3 tracks of which only one track is correct and leads to the parking lot. The incorrect tracks will be terminated abruptly. The correct track will be indicated by a check point (5cm X 5cm IR LED array placed 15 cm from the track and at 3-8 cm height) just before the parking section. The bot will have to navigate to the final section (parking) by determining the correct track. The final section of the arena has parking slots. At any point of time, only one parking slot is empty. The bot has to navigate and park at the empty parking slot. The same can be used to indicate the completion of the task. The empty parking slot will be a space of 30cm x 30cm x 20cm 3-walled box (painted black on the inside).
Sample Arena

Dimensions and Fabrications
The bot must fit within a square of dimensions 20cm x 20cm. There are no height constraints.
The bot must sense the IR led checkpoint (3-8cm high) kept 15 cm from the track on the left side of the track.
Each machine must be stable and should be able to stand on its own at the beginning of the race when put in the start zone. Machines not fulfilling this criterion will be disqualified.
During the run, the machine can expand itself provided it does not damage the arena in anyway. However, it is not allowed to leave anything behind or make any marks while traversing the arena. No machine can separate or split into two or more units. All machines found damaging the arena will be immediately disqualified.
The teams are allowed to use readymade sensor kits. But use of Lego kits and any other readymade components is not allowed (readymade PCB for handling microcontrollers are not allowed).
Power Supply and Propulsion
The bot must use an on-board power supply. No external power supply will be allowed.
Each team shall prepare its own power supply for all its machines.
The potential difference between any two points on any of the machines must not exceed 12 V DC.
The bot must be completely autonomous.
It should not receive any external help during the course of the run.
Game Rules:
All teams will be given a calibration time of 10 minutes.
Maximum time given for one trial is 10 minutes.
The starting procedure of the robot should be simple and should not involve giving the machine any manual force or impulse in any direction.
Each bot is supposed to indicate with a suitable indicator (LED, Buzzer, etc.), clearly visible to the judges, when the bot has reached the check point. This indicator should be off at all other times. Any team unable to indicate this accurately will incur a penalty.
Before each game begins, the participants should clearly describe how their robot detects the obstacles and indicates at the check point.
A bot may be asked to start on either the leftmost or the rightmost track. The participants must be able to specify this input dynamically (e.g.: using switches).
Each team is allowed a maximum of 5 trials. All trials require the approval of the presiding judges before the machine can be removed from the arena. In each trial, the timer will be set back to zero.
During a trial, the machine will have to be restarted by putting it back on the start zone. For a trial, the machine will have to be in Power Off mode and turned on again at the start zone on the signal of the judges.
Between trials, participants may not feed information about the arena to the machine. However, participants are allowed to: Adjust sensors (Gain, Position etc.), Change speed settings and Make repairs. However, a participant may not alter a machine in a manner that alters its weight (e.g. removal of a bulky sensor array or switching to lighter batteries to get better speed). The judges shall arbitrate. The points earned by the team till that time will be retained.
Participants will not be allowed to handle the obstacle positions on the track. Only event managers are allowed to handle the obstacles.
Participants are not allowed to keep anything inside the arena other than the machine.
The judges may stop any robot at any time if they feel that it is performing, or is about to perform, any action that is dangerous or hazardous to people or equipment. No robot is allowed to use any flammable, combustible, explosive or potentially dangerous processes.
General Rules:
The time measured by the organizers will be final and will be used for scoring the teams. Time measured by any participant by any other means is not acceptable for scoring.
In case of any disputes / discrepancies, the organizers' decision will be final and binding.
Computers with parallel and serial ports will be provided on the competition spot. Participants must bring their own programmers and software if they wish to program their robots at the competition site. The operating system provided will be Windows XP.
The participants are requested not to assume anything without discussing with the event managers.
The organizers reserve the rights to change any or all of the above rules as they deem fit.
Team composition
Maximum of 4 participants per team.
Teams should register themselves online.
No person shall be a member of two teams.
Maximum of ten teams will be shortlisted for the finals.
A team can constitute of member from different colleges.
Participants are requested not to assume any details.
Other details regarding the arena can be clarified directly with the event managers.
+91 94875 83010
+91 94873 66850
+91 97917 55449
+91 94432 65854
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