The Ultimate Manager

Pragyan ’21 presents The Ultimate Manager, an event designed to allow you to exhibit your competency in managerial decision-making. If you think you have the confidence that can sway the world in the direction of your wisdom, bring your charisma to the forefront, and let your ideas burn bright, as you discover The Ultimate Manager in you!

New Registrations close at 08/04/2021 11:59pm.

Team Members' Registration is Allowed.

Date of Start :  9th April 2021, 9:00 PM IST

Prize Money: INR 20000.

Round 1 -  La Devinette (The Quiz)

  • This will be a screening round. Candidates will attempt this quiz as a group of 3, and one among the 3 will be able to take the quiz.

  • The quiz will have 25 MCQ of equal weightage. 

  • The participants will receive 15 minutes to attempt the quiz.

  • There will be 10 questions each on Business Aptitude and B-Quiz, and 5 questions on Current Affairs.

  • You will receive 1 mark for every correct answer.

Round 2 - B-Plan (Group Activity)

  • Shortlisted teams have to prepare a detailed B-Plan.

  • Teams are required to submit a Presentation based on their B-Plan.

  • The presentation will be of 5 minutes followed by a Q&A session of 10 minutes.

  • Selected teams will be shortlisted for the next round.

  • Your B-Plan should include: 

  1. Who will be investors

  2. Marketing strategy 

  3. Budgeting and Revenue Planning 

  4. Human Resource Strategy 

  5. Sustainability

Round 3 - Case Study (Group Activity)

  • Teams will be given a case study related to a relevant field of business.

  • Each group will get an hour to submit a report on this case study.

  • This will be followed by a 10-minute Q&A session.

  • This is a shortlisting round. Selected teams would move ahead to the next round.

Round 4 - Panel Interview

  • The final round consists of a Panel Interview with experts from different sectors. 

  • Interview Time: 15 mins for each team

  • Participants have to sell themselves as “The Ultimate Manager” to the experts. 

Judging Criteria

  • Managerial skills

  • Analytical skills

  • Teamwork

  • Creativity

  • Stress-handling

  • Problem-solving abilities

  • Decision-making skills



1) What does The Ultimate Manager aim to do?

Ultimate Manager is an event that tests your business and managerial skills.


2) What does this event entail? How many rounds does it have?

The event tests the managerial capabilities of an individual through five rounds.  All rounds are eliminative. The qualifying candidates move on to the next round.


3) Who can participate in this event?

The event is open for all.


4) How do you register for the event?

Registration for the event can be done online.


5) What is the mode of the competition?

The competition will be conducted online.

For any further queries, contact:

Atul Yadav : 7355594256

Harishankar : 7907482224

Chirag : 7351740611

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